Tag Archives: nutrients

Will Zeolite strip my body of beneficial metals and nutrients?

Many people are concerned with this question when taking zeolite. There are many beneficial metals, such as iron, magnesium, and chromium, which our bodies need to function. It is an understandable concern, since zeolite detoxifies heavy metals from the body. … Continue reading

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Can I Eat and Drink when Taking Zeolite?

The answer to this is YES! Zeolite does not interfere with digestion, so it is perfectly safe to take before you eat on an empty stomach, after you eat on a full stomach, or while eating and filling your stomach. … Continue reading

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Humic Acid and Zeolite

What are Humic Acids? Humic acids are organic substances, and are created from the biodegradation of dead organic matter.  They are commonly found in soil, peat, coal, streams, lakes, and ocean water. Humic acids are very nutrient rich and can … Continue reading

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How Does Zeolite Work in the Body?

Zeolite may sound like it is some kind of turn-of-the-century, cure-all elixir, but its powers are purely legit. The process of how it works is actually quite simple. When ingested, it travels throughout every crevice of the body. Since the … Continue reading

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Benefits of Zeolite as a Dietary Supplement

There are so many reasons why people should be taking zeolite on a daily basis to better their health. Listed below are just a few of the reasons… Removes heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, radiation, and mycotoxins from cells Works as … Continue reading

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Healthy Zeolite

 Natural Cure for a Toxic World It seems to be an all too common occurrence that people are getting sick and their bodies are breaking down for unexplained reasons. Yet, there are always reasons. We are unaware that much of … Continue reading

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